Homily Points


Maundy Thursday


General.  Today’s feast commemorates the Last Supper of the Lord Jesus at the beginning of the Paschal Triduum. It ushers us into the mystery of salvation obtained for us by Jesus when he gave up his life for us on the Cross. His body is broken for all humanity for the remission of sins, and his blood fills man with his Spirit. This mystery is encountered in the institution of the sacrament of the Eucharist which encompasses within it all the mysteries of the Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We today also commemorate the institution of the ministerial priesthood and Christ’s bidding to make remembrance among ourselves of this Last Supper for all times. During this supper Jesus has given us his body at the same time as his death was being planned.


Exodus.  During Lent much has been said about the Lamb who lets the shearer do his job on him and lead him to death, although he is the Son and Servant of the Lord and the Christ (the Anointed One). In giving his life for us he let us spill his blood when we were sinnners. God bids the Jews to leave Egypt, the land of slavery and of the power of evil, having already since that time provided them with a Lamb to take away their sins from upon themselves and to be a sign for them of salvation.


First Epistle to the Corinthians. St Paul announces to us that Jesus has given up his body for us on the night of his betrayal. Jesus thus died for us not when we were his friends, but at a time when we were his declared enemies. This is indeed a memorial, or remembrance, which we shall keep on announcing whenever we eat and drink the body and blood of the Lord until he comes back in all glory..


St Mark. The Last Supper which Jesus made with his disciples was in itself a family meal during which he gave them the commandment to love each other the same way as he loved them. Jesus fulfills this love commandment and takes off his cloak (a sign of authority) and wears an apron round his waist (a sign of service). Although he is Lord, Jesus washes the feet of his disciples in a sign of condescension, utmost humility and servitude so as to show them how they were to treat each other and with all those for whom from now on they were going to be light, salt and yeast to their lives.


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